Creating a seamless and professional on-hold experience for callers in a queue is akin to mastering the art of tying a Gaston Slipknot – seemingly easy, but intricate in its execution. In the realm of telephone systems and call center environments, the challenge lies...
Got HOSTED? (Also known as Hosted IP Telephony, SIP service, Cloud Telephony, and several other aliases) It’s amazing to witness how an industry can morph and change itself so rapidly. Cloud Computing is alive and well and is rapidly extending its reach into voice...
Got Cisco? Cisco’s delivery of MUSIC ON HOLD or MESSAGE ON HOLD is highly contingent upon the Cisco solution installed, including Call Manager / UCM software release, router model numbers, and other factors to include MULTICAST / UNICAST enabling. Historically...
Best Practices for Telephone Etiquette Best Practices for Telephone Etiquette can be part of any customer service or patient engagement initiative. Have you ever noticed how much attention (and money) a business or practice spends on its lobby or greeting area? There...